Friday, November 8, 2013

How Reading Aloud Promotes Success

How Reading Aloud Promotes Success
School aged kids spend eight times as much time out of school as they do in school. That time out of school equals 7,200 hours a year! I am sure you have heard the phrase that parents are children’s first teachers. This is particularly true during the first few years of our children’s lives before they enter school. We provide learning experiences and promote our child’s healthy development in small and big ways each and every day. However, even after our children enter school, parents are an integral piece of the puzzle. Deciding what school to send our children, assisting with homework, advocating for their specific learning needs and providing supplemental learning experiences are just some of the ways that we promote learning, discovery and engagement.

I wholeheartedly believe that our most important role when it comes to our child’s education is instilling a love of learning and reading in our children. There are certainly other pieces to reading and school success but if a child has a curiosity about the world, a desire to read and a love of books, the rest will follow much more easily. A recent study discovered that a dismal 48% percent of 8 year olds don’t read at a proficient level! The good news is that a review of 10,000 research projects found that the single most important activity required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to your children. As an extra bonus one of the greatest things we can do as a parent is have a strong connection with our children and the time we spend together reading builds this positive bond!
Below are a few tips for how to make this time together effective and fun!

Tips for Reading with Your Children
Read before bedtime.
Reading as part of your bedtime routine allows you to spend time with your child without all of the distractions of the day.

Show your children that you enjoy books and reading.
Read in front of your kids, find things in the books you are reading to talk about with your kids, let your kids know that you are in a book club or what your favorite books were when you were their age.

Find books that are appropriate for your child’s age and don’t forget to keep up with their growing levels of comprehension.
Your local librarians (or friends) are a great resource. Tell them what kinds of books your kids love and they can steer you in the direction of dozens more similar books. Try non-fiction books about the subjects they are interested in. If you find an author your child loves, introduce them to their other books.

Encourage participation.
Allow your children to ask questions or tell you related stories. Replace words in the story with silly rhyming words. Ask your child questions what they think will happen next or how the characters are feeling.

Involve others.
The more people who read to your children, the greater their comprehension will be. Set out books when the babysitter comes over. Have grandparents over to read or if they are far away, have them read over Skype or record a book. Have older siblings read to their younger siblings. Make sure Dad is involved as well. Did you know that only 15% of dads read to their children on a regular basis?

Book Baskets.
Keep baskets of books in the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms- everywhere! Baskets allow young children who can’t read book titles to find and put away their favorite books more easily which means less books on your floor!

Keep it new and fun.
Encourage your child to pick new books. Try having them pick one book and you pick the other. Ask them to “read” their favorite book to you or describe the pictures.

Avoid taking away reading time with you as a consequence.
This time together is so important and precious. Instead, try encouraging a faster get ready routine with a bonus book or chapter reward.

Establish daily reading time.
Don’t try to compete with T.V., video games, the ipad etc. If you asked your child whether they want ice cream or broccoli, what would they chose? Having mandatory reading time may not be greeted with cheers but it also won’t make your child dislike reading.

Most importantly, don’t stop reading to your children even after they can read themselves!

Why are stories and reading aloud so important? Having to learn the ABCs first, before hearing enough stories, and before playing with words, puts the cart before the horse, and it makes learning to read an unpleasant chore. It’s like having to learn all the parts of a camera before being allowed to take a picture! Experts say that a child should hear at least 1,000 words before they are ready to start learning to read. If you are invested in helping your child learn to read successfully, remember this order: Stories, Words and then Letters! Nursery Rhymes are also a great way to promote literacy. In fact, experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are four years old, are the best readers by eight.

Whether children make the transition to reading on their own smoothly or encounter difficulties, learning to read has challenging and frustrating moments for most children. When these moments happen, it is important to acknowledge your child’s feelings. Maybe even share a time you became frustrated when learning something new. Books with a dual reading feature where the child reads a simple line and you read more complex text can be a great way to work to keep your child engaged in reading. Choosing books that are the right level is extremely important. You can use the Five Finger Test. If there are more than five words on a page that your child does not know, then you will want to select a different book. Bringing back books from when they were younger will build confidence. It is okay if they have the book memorized as long as they can point to the words they are saying.
As children begin to read on their own, parents have a tendency to stop reading aloud with their children. Unfortunately, when reading is only for homework and school and no longer a piece of spending time with you, children are at risk for a long-term dislike of reading. One of the greatest accomplishments of Harry Potter was that it led to thousands of parents and children reading together year after year. Finding your family’s “Harry Potter” series will strengthen your relationship with your kids and promote a life-long love of reading for your children.

Another trap I see parents fall into is labeling their children as readers and non-readers. Most labels, positive or negative, can be detrimental to children and this one can have significant long-term effects. The child who is labeled as non or reluctant reader is in danger of internalizing this label. Instead try saying something like “we are struggling with finding books that my son/daughter enjoys.” Then work with your child to find books that are fun, engaging and match his or her interests. Reassure your child that everyone reads at a different level and that you are there to help.

If you suspect that your child may have a learning disability, speak to his or her teacher about your concerns. Make sure that your child has annual eye exams or take them immediately to see someone if you suspect a change in their vision. Most reading issues can be addressed particularly when addressed early on but undetected or ignored can have significant consequences on a child’s confidence in their ability. 

Reading with our children has more than just academic benefits. It helps them socially as well. Books are a great way to talk with kids about emotions and give them the vocabulary they need to identify and express their feelings. Children who can put words to their emotions are better able to tolerate frustration, have fewer fights, have less destructive behavior, are less lonely and are more focused. 

Fairy Tales are one avenue for exploring different emotions. When children listen to often horrifying fairy tales, they will become silent, fascinated, upset, appalled, aghast, and they may even cry. But if they feel safe with us while the story is being read–and indeed this is essential–they will want to relive the drama over and over. In frightening stories, it’s someone else’s drama, which is why frightening stories are so appealing. But the child is rescued by the ending, when the good live happily ever after, and the bad come to a well-deserved end.

Some adults are squeamish about this high level of emotion, but child psychologists say the whole point is to allow us (a) to experience troubled realities that are different from our own, (b) to empathize, and(c) to understand cause and effect, d) witness characters being courageous even against the odds.

If we sanitize everything children read, how much more shocking and confusing will the real world be when they finally have to face it? Additionally, one of the things I love best about fairy tales is how many versions there are making it a great way to introduce new books of increasing difficulty to a child who enjoys the same story over and over.

Usborne Books & More is an award winning publishing company with the following mission:
The future of our world depends on the education of our children. We deliver educational excellence one book at a time. We provide economic opportunity while fostering strong family values. We touch the lives of children for a lifetime.  As an Usborne Books & More Educational Consultant I have the privilege and opportunity to share amazing books with families and educators through home shows, book fairs and booths.  Please let me know if you want assistance matching your child’s interests with a selection from our incredible inventory of books. I would love to hear about your reading challenges and successes. Just like with companies such as Pampered Chef or Thirty-One, Usborne consultants an offer generous opportunities for free books through home shows. I particularly love talking with Moms Groups about literacy and parent engagement. And, if you think that promoting literacy through Usborne Books & More sounds like a fun career, contact me with any questions you might have.

Gail Sawchuk is a mother of three and five year old sons, living in Broomfield, Colorado. She is the former Director of Parenting Place in Boulder, has a Masters Degree in Social Work and has spent more than twenty years working with children and families in a variety of settings including day care centers and schools. As an Usborne Books & More Educational Consultant she is available for Educational Home Shows, Book Fairs and assistance with online book orders. 
Contact Information:

Main Resource for this article: The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease and other amazing Usborne Books & More Consultants!

Making Homemade Holiday and Thank You Cards

Making Homemade Holiday and Thank You Cards

Receiving a handmade card from a child melts your heart. The thought and effort is an amazing expression of appreciation. It teaches our children about how to express their gratitude. Did you know that research shows that grateful people are happier, less stressed, healthier and have better relationships? What a great thing to pass on to your children!

Some tips:
- For younger children- have them do the art work and then you can write the message. Ask them to describe what they love about their Grandma, Uncle etc. and write the message in their words. Or ask what they love about the gift they received.
-Spread it out. Asking your child to create 15 cards, write messages, help put them in the envelopes etc. all in one day will just make you all cranky. Break up the task into a few 15-30 minute tasks depending on the age of your child.
-During the activity, talk about the importance of expressing gratitude for the people in our lives and the gifts they give to us.

Usborne has some great card boxes that provide simple ways to give handmade cards:
I also love their stencils for creating fun card designs.

Looking for more creative ideas? Check out these websites:
Craft Cow Kids Cards
Pinterest Simple Kids Cards
Martha Stewart's Kids Christmas Cards

You can also turn your existing art into cards by taking a photo and loading onto a photo site like Shutterfly.

Share your card creations on my Facebook Page: and Happy Creating!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Getting Ready for School Tips and Links

 Getting Ready for School Tips and Links
In a few weeks my oldest son will enter kindergarten.  Yes, East Coasters, schools in Colorado start in the middle of August! Honestly, I think he is more ready than I am. However, getting ready for this transition will be big for all of us. Five full days a week is going to be exhausting for a kid who still naps every few days. Sending my little guy off to a big school with big kids and big expectations is going to be hard... for me.  All that said, I am not the expert on this subject so I headed to the internet for some help. Yikes! There is a lot of information out there.

Most articles focus on one of the following areas:
Academic and social readiness
Addressing your child's fears and anxieties
Getting involved with your child's school
Advocating for your child's needs
Getting organized

I would recommend giving some thought about what your anxieties about the beginning of the school year are. Read a few articles and look for ones with concrete tips. Don't try to take on too much- it is a busy time of year! Do try to pick a few things to focus on that will make the transition go smoother for you and your children. For example, if you are someone who overbooks or misses important dates, spend some time working on your calendar. Find your school calendars and enter all the important dates for the school year. Make it a habit to put new events in your calendar as soon as you receive the email, birthday party invitation, flyer from school etc.. Then remember to review your calendar, often. Help your child create a calendar system that works for him or her.

Here are some helpful articles I found:
Ready for Kindergarten? This article about Kindergarten Readiness is from a great new website and resource-  This site was developed by Early Childhood professionals and is full of great activities parents can do with their children to help them develop the skills they need to succeed in school.

This article briefly discusses many of the areas above with a week by week successful start to school plan:

In the meantime, enjoy the last few weeks of summer!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Favorite Authors

I love children's books too much to limit myself or my "audience" to just Usborne Books & More. Here are some of my favorite authors not available through my book site. You can get these at the library! 
       P.D. Eastman.  
These beginning readers are classics I remember from my childhood and are still loved today. Go Dog, Go, Are you my Mother and My Nest is Best provide fun stories, rhyming and describing words that make them fun to read to your child or for beginning readers to practice their new skills.

Mo Willems

I love the Elephant and Piggy books and so do my boys! They are funny and simple yet have great messages. His newest books like Cat the Cat are great first reader books. Knuffle Bunny is such a sweet story about losing something dear to us and the communication barriers between parents and their child who can't talk yet. Mo Willems' website has links to his books as well as fun game and activities for the classroom or at home: Website

Eric Carle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear, Brown Bear are classic books that should be on every young child's book shelf. I try to pick up one of his books, almost every time I visit the library. Children love the predictability of books like Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Many of his books feature and provide information on different animals. His artwork is appealing and fun for both children and adults.
Check out his website for other titles, print outs (like a color matching sheet) and instructions on how to create your own tissue art:
Eric Carle's Website

Audrey and Don Wood

alphabet adventureI love that the Woods write and illustrate together- husband, wife and son! I often find it difficult to find books that teach about letters and numbers in fun and engaging ways. Some of my favorites are from the Woods- Alphabet Mystery, Adventure and Rescue and Ten Little Fish.
Check out their website for other great titles like King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, activities and more:

Parenting Book Review: The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness

Review of: The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness, Five steps to help kids create and sustain lifelong joy by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D.

I have been toting around this book all summer and can't renew it from the library any more times so it is time to finish it and write up the review before my fines starting building up.  This book has taken me so long to get through in part because I have had so many other books on my shelf to read but mostly because I have found it to be very poignant and haven't wanted to rush through it. Hallowell makes many great points, each of which I wanted to take some time to appreciate, think about and try with my family before reading on.

The book begins with helping us define what we ultimately as parents all want for our kids, happiness. It suggests looking back at your own childhood to discover what moments and what parenting skills brought happiness to your life. In turn, what do you wish you had more of? Hallowell believes that being happy requires two important skills, 1) the ability to overcome adversary and 2) the ability to create and sustain joy.  In my own past research of child resiliency I have noted the same concept. The child who is able to come out of terrible circumstances and succeed usually has a strong inner locus of control, a belief that he can determine his own fate. Having one or more people in his life that believe in and care about him is key as well.

Even kids that grow up in secure homes with financial advantages need to develop skills to create their own happiness. As Hallowell states, "we help our children most by helping them help themselves." As parents we gain so much. "Children disturb and distract us in all the ways we need to be disturbed and distracted. They get us to come out and play. The make us laugh, even when we try not to. They show us that there is more to life than getting ahead or getting sleep. They require our help. They make us improvise. They show us how to take delight in the mundane ways we had long ago forgotten. They make us exercise. They prevent us from getting set in our ways. They tease us. Finally they give us adults that elusive gift called meaning". I love that! Although it is not always easy to hold on to all that we gain when we also have to give so much.  As parents, we hold a huge responsibility to take care of our child's needs and help them grow into happy adults. Meeting the challenges of this responsibility is hard. Making the best choices is complex. So, I often turn to parenting books for guidance and felt that Hallowell effectively researched and wrote about what is most important for us to focus on.

I highly recommend reading this book for a more in depth discussion and helpful examples from Hallowell's own parenting experiences. As busy as I know you all are, hopefully this synopsis will offer some ideas and focus for your parenting.

1) Connection
The most important thing we can give to our child is unconditional love. Hallowell states that "when you let yourself love, as a parent, when you show up, in the moment, and let yourself love, as you watch a soccer games; or carry the birthday cake; or wave good-bye to the group that is heading off in the bus to camp- at all those times, you let die a part of you that used to come first. Not only that, you let yourself love totally and completely, knowing all the while that separation will come."

It seems on the surface that loving our children unconditionally should be a given. For some, though, the fear of loving and losing may hold us back. For others the daily distractions and responsibilities of life keep us from showing up. What we gain by putting our own fears, needs, distractions aside and truly spending time loving and being with our children is so worth it!

Hallowell describes in detail methods and tips for loving unconditionally. Below I will share some of his ideas but I think the most important piece is making loving a top priority.

Where to focus:
- Be present during key times in the day- in the morning, after school, dinner, bedtime;
- Have high (but realistic) expectations for school performance;
- Engage in your child's activities on a regular basis;
- If you are working, chose child care providers and settings that take care of your children lovingly;
- Be able to read your children and know who needs love and when. "You can see it, you can feel it, you can even hear it when a child is not getting enough love. On the other hand, if you smother your child and provide too much, you can see that too. At any given time you can probably tell which child needs you the most. Go towards that child."; 
- Set limits and boundaries. "Sometimes you show your love by saying no.";
- Teach about responsibility through chore;
- Help children discover what their interests and skills and
- Read aloud to your children for as long as you can.

Helping your child connect to other areas in their lives is equally as important. Provide opportunities and assist your child in developing the skills needed to connect to:
- Friends
- Their neighborhood
- Their community
- Activities and Sports
- Nature
- Arts
- Their past and family history
- Institutions and organizations

2) Play
Hallowell defines play as "being able to make creative use of time no matter where you are or what you are doing." A few weeks ago at the end of a long vacation day my five year old was in tears when he learned it was bedtime. "But, I didn't have anytime to play." My husband and I looked at each other confused. That day we had gone for a long hike and to a playground. Coincidentally, I read Hallowell's chapter on play that night and better understood my son's disappointment. More and more we are over scheduling our children's lives with activities and outings and dismissing the importance of allowing time for play. For my son, these days play mainly involves Legos  but the worlds and adventures he and his brother create are in-depth, creative and completely engaging. It is important to create time and safe places for our children to play.

Youth sports and other activities can also teach our children important skills such as how to maintain play throughout their lives. Without diving too far into my opinions about today's youth sports culture (maybe a future blog), I will just say that parents play an important role in ensuring that our kids are having fun in the sports they play. Be an advocate for maintaining recess and gym class at your child's school. Relearn how to play as adult and participate with your child. Remember that humor is play and create fun in your family time.

3) Practice
Hallowell describes practice as the way from play to mastery. "Structure and discipline unlock the door to talent"  One of the most obvious forms of practice, I hear parents talk about is practicing an instrument. Their child will enthusiastically want to learn how to play the violin, piano, drums. Yet when it comes to practicing, the battles begin. I enjoyed how Hallowell wrote on this subject because of its' balanced approach.  Practicing should not be torture for the child or parent but it is a means to an end and traveling that road is not always enjoyable. He suggests that parents "have an infectious and positive attitiude about practice." If, as Hallowell says, "we want to practice what we love," we need to remind our children of what they love and what their goals are. He also suggests pointing to successful people in the field and discussing how they worked hard and had to practice to get to where they are now. 

A friend recently shared that she had also taken up a new instrument, the viola, when her daughter started playing the violin. Wow! Sharing that learning experience and all the frustrations and joys that go with it, is being a truly remarkable parent! Still she was concerned about how much she should push her daughter to practice when she doesn't want to or when to let her give up altogether. I think she will navigate those waters just fine being engaged, being a cheerleader, bringing in fun and humor, offering tips based on her own experience and working with her child to figure out how to get over the seemingly insurmountable mountains that will arise along the way. If and when it is time to put the violin away for soccer or theater or chess club, it will probably be a hard decision but one made together.

The frustrations and obstacles to practice often stem from fear of making mistakes or not being good enough. It is a tough thing to teach our children to conquer these fears when so many of us, as adults, have them as well. My August Usborne Book of the Month, Jonathan James and the Whatif Monster superbly describes the voices in our heads that prevent us from trying new things as well as inspiration to overcome the voices.

4) Mastery
Hallowell writes, "My definition of a great teacher is a person who can lead another person to mastery. The best parents are great teachers. If there is any greater joy than achieving mastery yourself, it may be the joy of leading a child to it...As parents, we get the chance to so this in many ways every day. All the minor tasks we take for granted- from telling time to tying shoes to putting on nail polish- are new and at first impossible for our children. For a child any of these tasks can begin as a source of frustration and even shame but with a parent's guidance can turn into a source of mastery and joy."

I agree wholeheartedly with Hallowell about the joy we as parents feel when we witness our child mastering something for the first time. After months of soccer practices and games and into his second season, when our son scored his first goal, you would have thought that we had just won the Olympics. My husband and I were elated and my son fell right over with pride and happiness.

Those moments stick with our children. "Repeated experiences of mastery help build an attitude of optimism, " Hallowell says. Optimism and belief that we can succeed when we try hard enough are such valuable traits to instill in our children.

5) Recognition
Hallowell describes the importance of recognition stating that "when you learn to do something well and someone else values your having done this, you feel a sense of pride." When our children constantly want to show us something new they have done on the playground, they are asking for our recognition of their accomplishments. When recognizing our children it is more valuable to focus on how they got there, then on what they accomplished. "Wow, you worked really hard and didn't give up." "I really like how you worked together as a team with your brother." It is also imperative that you value and recognize children for who they are and not for your own dreams and goals. 

I recently started reading Take the Stairs, 7 Steps to Achieving True Success by Rory Vaden. His book is about discipline, but for adults. His book contains all kinds of statistics about the amount of time we waste and the ways we get in the way of achieving our dreams. Imagine if we can instill discipline in our children so that they can reach their potential and have a life of happiness. Hallowell describes discipline as "a ticket to free time, mastery and success." He challenges parents to not be afraid of asking our child to follow through and do what is asked and expected of them. When balanced with unconditional love and play, this seems like a reasonable road map to me.

I would love to hear your reactions to this review as well as any personal stories you have about any of the areas discussed. I plan to review and blog about other parenting books in the future but cannot say how often they will happen. Your suggestions on books and your own book reviews are welcome!  

Monday, July 29, 2013

What is Usborne Books & More?


About the books and company

Since its foundation by Peter Usborne in 1973, Usborne has been a publisher that is constantly recognized for outstanding achievements and contributions to children’s publishing and literacy. As Children's Publisher of the Year 2012, Usborne children's books are available around the world, both in English and in over 100 different languages. 

The company's belief that the best children's books are entertaining, colorful and informative, and illustrated with humor and an eye for the details of everyday life that children love to spot has created books that children and parents love. The books are beautifully designed and superbly produced according to current ethical and safety standards. They are illustrated by world-class artists, making them books that children remember and treasure.

How it works
For the last 30 years Usborne Books & More has helped tens of thousands of people to earn money on their own terms. Similar to Thirty-One or Pampered Chef, Usborne Books & More consultants build their business by selling books at home parties, playgroups and booths. Unique to Usborne is the opportunity to facilitate school book fairs, raise grant money for schools and establish reading incentive programs. The support Usborne More provides is incredible! From team member support, to monthly incentives, trips, conferences, training videos and more, consultants are encouraged and assisted every step of the way. While Usborne is growing, the reach is no where near Mary Kay or Avon and considering there is a literacy crisis in our Country, the need is there! 

The benefits of starting an Usborne Books at Home business are many:
  • A business fits around your family
  • No experience is necessary
  • Opportunity to build an amazing home library 
  • It is flexible and fun and can also make a real difference
  • Work to improve literacy in both homes and schools 
  • Help others reach their dreams
Why I joined
  • I believe in the mission! (see below)
  • I want to do my part to help children learn and support parents and schools in that goal. 
  • Flexible schedule so I can spend time with my family
  • Ability to be creative and explore new opportunities
  • Love the BOOKS!
 Hosting a party is a great way to earn free books and learn more! Or contact me with any questions!

Engagement Tips

 4. Be Present

A friend of mine is a counselor at Lakewood High School, the school that recently won a Katy Perry concert. I was so excited for their school but as I watched the Good Morning America story, all I saw were camera phones. It seemed like so few of the students were actually enjoying the experience, they were too concerned with capturing it. As parents, we want to capture all of our children's precious moments and doing so has become much easier with digital cameras and smart phones. Then with the ability to share the photos on Facebook, Instagram, online photo sites etc. adds another layer to the process. In the meantime, what are we missing out on?
Recently, I have been trying to pay attention to how much time I spend just being with my children. Not in the car, not with the TV on in background, not while folding laundry, not while I am checking email or Facebook- just being with them. Not as much time as I would have thought or that I would like to. When I am just with them, it is amazing the things that I notice. I hear what they love and what they are struggling with. I can't believe how big they are getting and how much they know. Sometimes, I just observe and sometimes I try to put everything else aside and get in there and play with them.  I know, those are the moments we will all remember, not the ones where I was behind a camera or distracted by menial tasks. What happens when you spend 10 minutes a day, just being with your children- totally present and aware?

3. Create Memory Books

Photos capture our memories and are reminders of those special moments. With the invention of digital photography it becomes easier for our photos to remain on our computers and Facebook pages but there is a lot of value in having meaningful photos kept in a book that your children can hold in their hands. It does not have to be fancy- a few photos printed and put into a small album works just fine! The main point is to have something to look at with your children and reminisce.  However, if you are feeling inspired websites like Shutterfly, Mixbook and Smilebox

are great tools for putting together a collection of memories with some narrative. My kids love to read their memory books like any other picture book so I try to write it like a story.

If you are like me and have dozens of photo projects on your to do list, have never even started a baby book for your second child and getting overwhelmed trying to imagine where to start, don't stress. Just pick some recent time that you spent together as a family- a vacation, a day at the pool, a soccer game. Set aside a specific time and work on putting into a memory book whose effort required fits with the amount of time you have. Work on it until it is done but don't worry about it being perfect. And if you are really proud of what you came up with- share it on our Facebook page!

2. Let your child spray you with a hose...
Do you ever notice how much delight children take in watching adults let loose and be silly? I think most of us get a little nostalgic for our own childhood days filled with play, adventure and fun.

My challenge for you this summer is to: play in the rain, walk barefoot in the mud or have a water balloon fight with your children.  Take the opportunity to forget for just a moment or two about how you look and about the mess you will need to clean up afterwords.

1. Build, Build, Build.

Whether it is a train track, a Lego creation or a fort in your living room, building with your child:

1) Engages their fine motor skills;
2) Uses problem solving skills such as creating and following through on a plan;
3) Strengthens perseverance and ability to handle frustration when there are challenges;
4) Provides an opportunity to work constructively with others and
5) Ends with a final product that can provide hours of entertainment!

How to build a fort!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gail's Favorite Books

Children who can label and express their feelings are less frustrated, fight less, make friendships more easily and do better in school. We all have fears that can stop us from jumping into something new. The Whatif feelings Jonathan James has are ones we can all relate to. Thankfully Jonathan James also teaches us that courage in the face of these fears can lead to fulfilling dreams and great new opportunities. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Traveling with Kids Tips

Traveling with Kids Tips

All you have to do is Google "Traveling with Kids" and you will find an endless supply of articles, tips and stories to arm you and your family.  Spend a little time looking on these and focus on your family's trouble spots- ie. packing, entertainment, fears etc. I just wanted to offer a few bits of advice about travel mindset:

  • Set realistic expectations
Traveling with children is usually not fun, it is a means to get from one place to another. If you all make it there safe and sound, consider that an accomplishment. If you make it there without a blowout diaper on the plane, puke down your shirt and your son's favorite stuffy left on the plane in North Carolina (happened to us!) then consider yourself lucky!
  • Your kids will accept what you bring
I have a particularly hard time with this one. As I write this, I am packing for a road trip and have eight snack choices packed and ready to go. Particularly on a plane trip, where space is limited, you don't need to go overboard. Bring enough snacks to last but don't be over concerned with variety. I also tend to pack too many activities when my boys are perfectly happy making puppets out of the puke bags.

  • Let them be when they are happy
This one is kind of tied to the one above. Because I have over packed, I feel the need to go through all the snacks and activities I have brought.  I am constantly offering the boys new things, even when they are already totally engaged or happy staring out the window. Don't interrupt the peace!

  • Prep your kids
We have a traveling motto in our family- "Cooperation!" We stress how important it is that we work together. When we are at particularly tricky parts, like getting through security, we let the boys know that this is a really important time for "Cooperation!" The when we make it through without any hitches we celebrate with a family cheer. Transitions are always hard for kids and traveling has so many of them. Give them a basic overview of the trip and then warnings about what will be happening next as you go along. Try to remember to check in with your kids and see how they are feeling throughout the trip.
  • Appreciate your time together
This one is also hard for me. In the craziness of getting somewhere, settling in, packing and unpacking it is easy to forget to enjoy. Take enough photos to remember your time but don't forget to get in front of the camera and be in the moment!

Wishing you and your family Bodily Fluid free travels this summer! 

P.S. Usborne has some great activity cards, books and sticker books that don't take up a lot of room! Click here for a few examples or to order:  Usborne Website. Let me know if you need any recommendations!

Summer Bucket List


In preparation for this month's newsletter I went to Pinterest to look for some fun summer ideas and like always Pinterest had an overwhelming amount of amazing ideas. The one I like the best was creating a Summer Bucket List!  My brother, whose only child is now in college, for the first time in a LONG time, has the entire summer off. Recently he called me stressed out because he wasn't getting as much fun and relaxing things done as he had hoped!  These days with the constant hustle bustle and dozens of distractions, it is not easy to get into summer or vacation mode.  Whether you have the whole summer off and are stressed about how to entertain your children or wish you had more time to relax, the summer should offer planned and spontaneous opportunities to unwind, play and enjoy your family. Creating a Bucket List might be just the thing you need!'s why:
- Working together as a family to create a list of summer activities means that everyone has input;
- Having a list handy will help you quickly find something to do during those "I'm BORED!" moments;
- Checking off things on your Bucket List gives us a sense of accomplishment so we don't feel so guilty about all the fun we're having;
- Including simple outdoor activities like nature scavenger hunts and ice cream on the front porch, helps ensure that you are focused on enjoying time together and
- When that Bucket List does not get completed you have activities to carry over to the Fall or next summer.

How Cute!!! An actual bucket for your summer activities! From A Mom With a Lesson Plan

 Don't forget to include some adult activities that you don't want to miss out on this summer!

And now to Pinterest for some more  inspiration on how to design your Bucket List and what to include:

How to Form a Moms Group- Guest Blog by Melissa Tarr
When my oldest child was about 6 months old, I suddenly became aware that most of my friends were childless! I was the first in my circle of friends to have children and realized a growing need to find others who were new parents and experiencing similar things to what I was. I was looking for other mom friends to compare notes with about pediatricians, early childhood milestones, and just to be sleep-deprived with. (Having an accepting group of friends who didn't bat an eyelash when you occasionally showed up with spit-up stains and unwashed hair proved to be priceless!)

Thus I began looking for a "Moms Group" to join. As I didn't have any mom friends at the time, I started my search online. I looked for Moms groups in my area through Google searches and online meet-up sites. Although I attended meet-ups with a few different groups I found through my searches online, I quickly realized the existing groups in my area just didn't fit with what I was looking for. My two biggest problems were that the children in the groups age-ranges were too widespread and the geographical locations of the meet-ups were too far apart. I wanted to find a group of Moms that was close to me and had children with similar ages. So, I started a new one. 

I began by creating a Yahoo group with a detailed description focused on Moms with children whose birthdays were within a year of my child's and whose geographical location included the town I lived in and a few other communities close by. Within a short time of starting the group, a few local moms joined and then spread mainly by word-of-mouth.  The group quickly expanded to more than twenty members. This number meant that the group was big enough that most events would have good attendance but not so large that you did not feel connected to most of the group.
Once up and running, I recruited help from other moms in the group to put events on the calendar, share community events, and give input. Everyone has something to bring to the table, and keeping it a group effort proved successful for our Moms group and kept things more informative and interesting. were both planned ahead of time and added last minute, as impromptu play-dates came up. They were hosted at public places (i.e. parks, playgrounds, library) as well as at the homes of group members. When the kids were smaller more regular events seemed popular, including regular park play-dates, coffee meet-ups, and library story times that were put on the calendar monthly. Some of the more popular monthly events often revolved around holidays and included holiday cookie exchanges, costume parties, Easter egg hunts, visits to the pumpkin patch, berry farms, etc. 

As our kids got older, our schedules got crazier, and siblings were added into the mix, the events seemed to get smaller, more personal, and less planned. For instance, if someone was planning to visit the zoo the next day, they might send a note to the group inviting anyone who was free to join them. Families with more in common, similar schedules, and/or kids the same ages tended to attend more last minute, smaller gatherings together and friendships grew. the years have passed, the group has evolved greatly. It began with large meet-ups and an eclectic mix of people and personalities. Over time, friendships have blossomed and people have drawn together into the comfort of smaller groups within the umbrella of the original moms group. Though regular play-dates are a thing of the past, the group now serves as more of an on-going parenting gather opinions and share resources with one another. We share information about community events, babysitters, and all things parenting related in addition to getting together to blow off steam at Moms only events.

Tips for starting a Mom's group:
- Identify key things you want from the group (i.e. location, ages, common interests, etc.)
- Utilize free resources such as Yahoo Groups, Google, Facebook set up a website and keep in touch with members, organize play dates, share information, etc.
- Spread the word! Mention the group to Moms at the Library's story times, parks, and the grocery store. 
- Share the load. Though the group may begin with one or a few individuals, be sure to find a way to include and get input from everyone. The group will be richer for it!
- Include a variety of activities that are recurring as well as impromptu. This will help busy moms with varied schedules find something they can fit in.
This network of ladies and their awesome children have been an invaluable influence in my family's lives and I am so thankful for their friendship and support...nearly 5 years later! I hope that you will be able to create a similar community of support for yourself.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kids Music Adults Can Stand

  Kids Music Adults Can Stand

Music has so many benefits! It can improve our mood, help us sing and play with our children, increase our child’s language development.  Here are some resources for finding music that the whole family can enjoy!

Website links:

 Some of our personal favorites:
Sue Schnitzer is a Colorado musician and friend. Her music is a bit more classic children's music but super fun and lots of adorable kids voices.
We "met" Laurie Berkner watching one of our favorite shows- Jack's Big Music Show. Tons of energy and great lyrics. Rocketship is one of our favs! 
Justin Roberts also has super fun lyrics! My Brother Did it! 
Yo' Mamas and Papas is another Colorado Kids Band. These talented musicians now parents ROCK!!! The put an adult loving spin to kids classics like no others!

Next to purchase:
 "Paul Spring's Home of Song is an ode to books and stories, and to the families who nurture them.
I don't know if the family who reads and sings together stays together,
but albums like this one make a convincing argument."
- Stefan Shepherd (NPR)
Paul Spring's Peter Pan
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